Intensive supervision and guidance of study participants assure compliance...
MoreWe support you in developing a feasible study design...
MoreWe ensure that all regulatory activities are of highest quality...
MoreServices can be provided due to long-term cooperation with sub-contractors. These Data Management specialists have longstanding experience within various therapeutic areas, different study phases and in managing both, EDC and paper CRF studies.
For your project you can expect delivery of high-quality data in the most cost-effective way!
AKP has a long-lasting successful cooperation with a central laboratory located in Germany.
Arbeitskreis Klinische Prüfungen
PD Dr. med. Seiler GmbH
Munzinger Str. 5a
79111 Freiburg/Germany
phone:+49 761 479 40-00
fax:+49 761 479 40-22